We hope everyone has had a safe and happy new year.
It's registration month for our 2023 Spring Baseball season!
Our first weekend for signups will be January 27th at New Market City Hall. Can't make it that weekend, don't sweat it... We will be having additional in-person sign ups the weekends of February 4th and February 11th. AND... New this year, we will be offering ONLINE REGISTRATION! The website is still under construction so as of now we don't have a web address to
All ages with our league are Co-Ed
T-Ball: 4-6 years olds
Coach Pitch: 7-8 years old
Youth league: 9-11 years old
50/70: 12-14 years old
Parent and siblings shirts will be available to order at Sign-Ups ONLY! The cost for parents shirts is $25, siblings shirts is $20.
Registration fees: $35 per player.
A few new things to note this year:
1. Online Registration
2. Card payments NOW accepted
3. If you have a child playing ball with us this year, you have TWO options: A. Volunteer to work one of the 2 concessions stands ONE day during the season. B. Pay $25 per player to not have to volunteer any days in the concessions. Any and all fees paid, go back to your player, their baseball learning experience(s) and enhancing our fields. Volunteer dates will be chosen by those who volunteer upon registration.
We are also looking for people to volunteer to coach or assistant coach.
If you have any questions, feel free to send us a private message.